Google dorks è una tecnologia di ricerca avanzata che può aiutarti a scoprire dati nascosti e indicizzati dal motore di ricerca Google per rispondere a esigenze di ricerca specifiche.
Dork | What it does |
cache:[url] | Shows the version of the website from the internet search engine’s cache. |
related:[url] | Finds websites that are similar to the defined web page. |
info:[url] | Offers some info that Google has concerning a web page, consisting of similar pages, the cached version of the page, and sites connecting to the page. |
site:[url] | Finds web pages just within a specific domain name and all its subdomains. |
intitle:[text] or allintitle:[text] | Discovers web pages that include a particular search phrase as part of the indexed title tag. You must add a space between the colon and the question for the driver to work in Bing. |
allinurl:[text] | Discovers pages that include a specific keyword as part of their indexed URLs. |
meta:[text] | Locates pages that contain the certain search phrase in the meta tags. |
filetype:[file extension] | Look for details data kinds. |
intext:[text], allintext:[text], inbody:[text] | Searches text of page. For Bing and Yahoo the inquiry is inbody: [text] For DuckDuckGo the inquiry is intext: [message] For Google either intext: [text] or allintext: [message] can be utilized. |
inanchor:[text] | Browse web link support text. |
location:[iso code] or loc:[iso code], region:[region code] | Look for particular region. For Bing utilize area: [iso code] or loc: [iso code] as well as for DuckDuckGo use region: [iso code] An ISO code is a brief code for a nation for example, Egypt is EG as well as U.S.A. is US. |
contains:[text] | Determines websites that contain links to filetypes specified (i.e. contains: pdf). |
altloc:[iso code] | Look for location along with one defined by language of site (i.e. pt-us or en-us). |
feed:[feed type, i.e. rss] | Locates RSS feed related to search term. |
hasfeed:[url] | Locates web pages which contain both the term or terms for which you are quizzing as well as one or more RSS or Atom feeds. |
ip:[ip address] | Find websites organized by a certain IP address. |
language:[language code] | Returns sites that match the search term in a defined language. |
book:[title] | Look for book titles related to keywords. |
maps:[location] | Searches for maps related to keyword phrases. |
linkfromdomain:[url] | Shows websites whose web links are mentioned in the defined link (with errors). |
- “Index of /admin”
- “Index of /password”
- “Index of /mail”
- “Index of /” +passwd
- “Index of /” +password.txt “
- Index of /” +.htaccess
- index of ftp +.mdb
- allinurl:/cgi-bin/ +mailto
- administrators.pwd.index authors.pwd.index service.pwd.index filetype:config web gobal.asax index allintitle: “index of/admin” allintitle: “index of/root” allintitle: sensitive filetype:doc allintitle: restricted filetype :mail allintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:gov inurl:passwd filetype:txt inurl:admin filetype:db inurl:iisadmin inurl:”auth_user_file.txt” inurl:”wwwroot/*.” top secret site:mil confidential site:mil allinurl: winnt/system32/ (get cmd.exe) allinurl:/bash_history intitle:”Index of” .sh_history intitle:”Index of” .bash_history intitle:”index of” passwd intitle:”index of” people.lst intitle:”index of” pwd.db intitle:”index of” etc/shadow intitle:”index of” spwd intitle:”index of” master.passwd intitle:”index of” htpasswd intitle:”index of” members OR accounts intitle:”index of” user_carts OR user_cart ALTERNATIVE INPUTS==================== _vti_inf.html service.pwd users.pwd authors.pwd administrators.pwd shtml.dll shtml.exe fpcount.exe default.asp showcode.asp sendmail.cfm getFile.cfm imagemap.exe test.bat msadcs.dll htimage.exe counter.exe hello.bat default.asp\ dvwssr.dll cart32.exe add.exe index.jsp SessionServlet shtml.dll index.cfm page.cfm shtml.exe web_store.cgi shop.cgi upload.asp default.asp pbserver.dll phf test-cgi finger Count.cgi jj php.cgi php nph-test-cgi handler webdist.cgi webgais websendmail faxsurvey htmlscript perl.exe www-sql view-source campas aglimpse glimpse AT-admin.cgi AT-generate.cgi info2www bnbform.cgi survey.cgi classifieds.cgi wrap cgiwrap perl names.nsf webgais test.cgi submit.cgi guestbook.cgi cachemgr.cgi responder.cgi perlshop.cgi query w3-msql plusmail htsearch infosrch.cgi publisher ultraboard.cgi db.cgi formmail.cgi ssi adpassword.txt redirect.cgi cvsweb.cgi login.jsp admin htgrep news.cgi .htpasswd acid_main.php access.log log.htm log.html log.txt logfile logfile.htm logfile.html logfile.txt logger.html stat.htm stats.htm stats.html stats.txt webaccess.htm wwwstats.html source.asp perl mailto.cgi cached_feed.cgi global.cgi build.cgi common.php show ad.cgi WSFTP.LOG index.html~ index.php~ index.html.bak index.php.bak print.cgi register.cgi webdriver bbs_forum.cgi mysql.class CrazyWWWBoard.cgi way-board.cgi webpage.cgi pwd.dat adcycle post-query help.cgi