List of countries, cities,
territories and services on the map
Afganistan |
Africa | Verify people ID in Ghana, Egypt, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa |
Alabama | |
Alaska | Passengers lists Ancestry: “All Alaska, U.S., Lists of Alien Arrivals, 1906-1956” |
Albania | Cadastral map Court records Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania (Civil case) Supreme Court of the Republic of Albania (Criminal cases) Yellow/White pages |
Alberta | |
Algeria | Business registry |
Antarctica | List of publically available Antarctic datasets (topography, ice velocity, grounding line etc) |
Antelope Valley | Transport live map |
Antigua & Barbuda | Business registry |
Arctica |
Argentina | Business registry Yellow/White pages |
Arizona | |
Arkanzas | Search Incorporations, Cooperatives, Banks and Insurance Companies
Armenia | Cadastral map Business registry Court records |
Australia | Cadastral map Business registry Transport live map Passengers lists Yellow/White pages Planning Alerts. Property Search Birth deaths and marriage records |
Australian Capital Territory |
Austria | Business registry Yellow/White pages |
Azerbaijan | Business registry Court records |
Bahamas | Business registry |
Bahrain | Yellow/White pages |
Baltimore | Passengers lists |
Bangladesh |
Barbados |
Belarus | Cadastral map Business registry |
Belgium | Business registry Yellow/White pages Infobel Belgium Telephone Directory Look inside the web of connections between companies, individuals and politicians in Belgium |
Belize | Business registry |
Benin |
Berlin | Transport live map |
Bolivia | Yellow/White pages |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Business registry |
Botswana |
Brazil | |
Bremen | Passengers lists |
British Columbia | |
Budapest | Transport live map |
Bulgaria | Phone number and adress search Bulgarian eGOV open portal. Info regarding companies and people Registryagency. Commercial and non/profit legal entities Papagal. Retrieves information regarding people and companies |
California |
Cambodia |
Cameroon | Cadastral map |
Canada | White Pages Free People Search Canadian RCMP Firearms Reference Table Collection of topographic maps of Canada Locations of tower sites for each licensed Canadian wireless provider |
Cayman Islands | Business registry |
Chad |
Chile | Yellow/White pages |
China | Business registry Court records China Judicial Process Information Online Yellow/White pages |
Colombia | Yellow/White pages |
Colorado | State archive incorporations records
Connecticut | Transport live map |
Cook Islands | Business registry |
Copenhagen | Passengers lists |
Costa Rica | Yellow/White pages |
Croatia | Business registry |
Cuba | |
Curacao | Business registry |
Cyprus | Cadastral map Business registry |
Czech Respublic | Business registry Venicle information Yellow/White pages |
Delaware | |
Democratic republic of congo | |
Denmark | Cadastral map Business registry Venicle information Court recordsCivil records search Denmark Domstole Yellow/White pages |
Djibouti | |
Dominica | Business registry |
Dominican Republic | |
DuPage County | |
Ecuador | Yellow/White pages |
Egypt | Yellow/White pages |
El Salvador | |
Essex | |
Estonia | Cadastral map Venicle information Court records Ministry of Justice of Estonia Yellow/White pages |
Ethiopia | Cadastral map Business registry |
European Union | |
Faroe Islands | Business registry |
Fiji | |
Finland | Cadastral map Business registry Venicle information Court records Yellow/White pages |
Florida | Search Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, and Trademarks |
France | Cadastral map Business registry Venicle information Yellow/White pages Transport live map Yellow/White pages |
Gabon | |
Galveston | Passengers lists |
Georgia | |
Georgia | |
Germany | Business registry Yellow/White pages |
Ghana | Yellow/White pages |
Greece | Yellow/White pages |
Guatemala | Business registry Yellow/White pages |
Guernsey | Business registry |
Guinea | Cadastral map |
Hawaii | Passengers lists “Chinese Passenger Manifests” 1843-1900 |
Ho Chi Minh City | Cadastral map |
Honduras | Yellow/White pages “Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S., Arriving and Departing Passenger and Crew Lists, 1900-1959” |
Hungary | Business registry Court records |
Illinois | |
India | Business registry |
Indiana | |
Indonesia | Business registry Court records Registrar of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Yellow/White pages |
Iowa | |
Iran | Yellow/White pages |
Ireland | |
Island | |
Isle of Man | Business registry |
Israel | Business registry Court records Yellow/White pages |
Italy | Business registry Venicle information Yellow/White pages |
Ivory Coast | Cadastral map |
Jamaica | |
Japan | Business registry Court records Yellow/White pages |
Jersey | Business registry Court records |
Jordan | |
Kansas | |
Kazakhstan | Cadastral map Business registry Court records |
Kenia | Cadastral map |
Kentucky | |
Kenya | Yellow/White pages |
Kosovo | Cadastral map |
Krakow | |
Kuwait | |
Kyrgyzstan | Business registry |
Laos | |
Latvia | Cadastral map Business registry Court records |
Lebanon | |
Lesotho | |
Liberia | Cadastral map |
Libya | Yellow/White pages |
Lichteinstein | |
Lithuania | Yellow/White pages |
Ljubljana | |
London | Cadastral map Transport live map |
Los Angeles | Transport live map |
Louisiana | |
Luxembourg | Yellow/White pages |
Madagascar | |
Maine | |
Malawi | Cadastral map |
Malaysia | Yellow/White pages |
Mali | Yellow/White pages |
Malta | Court records |
Manitoba | |
Maryland | Passengers lists |
Massachusetts | Passengers lists Ancestry: “All Massachusetts, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1963” |
Mauritania | Cadastral map |
Mauritius | Business registry Court records |
Mexico | Yellow/White pages |
Michigan | |
Minnesota | |
Mississippi | |
Missouri | |
Moldova | Yellow/White pages |
Mongolia | Court records |
Montana | |
Morocco | Business registry Court records Morocco Ministry of Justice (Administrative courts) Morocco Ministry of Justice (Administrative courts of Appeal) Morocco Ministry of Justice (Commercial courts) Morocco Ministry of Justice (Commercial courts of Appeal) Morocco Ministry of Justice (Courts of first instance) Morocco Ministry of Justice (Courts of appeal) Yellow/White pages |
Mozambique | Cadastral map |
Mueang Udon Thani | |
Myanmar | Yellow/White pages |
Namibia | Cadastral map |
Nebraska | |
Nepal | |
Netherlands | Cadastral map Court records Yellow/White pages Netherlands Telephone Directory Transport live map Venicle information |
Nevada | |
New Brunswick | |
New Hampshire | |
New Jersey | |
New Mexico | |
New South Wales | |
New York | Passengers lists |
New Zeland | Business registry Transport live map Yellow/White pages |
Newfounland & Lablador | |
Nicaragua | Yellow/White pages |
Niger | |
Nigeria | |
Niue | Business registry |
North Carolina | |
North Dakota | |
North Korea | |
Northern Territory | |
Northwest territories | |
Norway | Cadastral map Venicle information Court records Court Administration of Norwegia Business registry |
Nova Scotia | |
Nunavut | |
Ohio | |
Oklahoma | |
Oman | |
Ontario | |
Oregon | |
Ottawa | |
Owyhee County | |
Pakistan | |
Panama | |
Papua New Guinea | Cadastral map |
Paraguay | |
Pennsylvania | |
Peru | |
Philippines | |
Poland | Cadastral map Business registry Court records |
Portugal | Business registry |
Prince Edwars Island | |
Puerto Rico | |
Qatar | |
Quebec | |
Queensland | |
Rhode Island | |
Riga | Transport live map |
Romania | Yellow/White pages |
Russian Federation | Cadastral map Business registry Venicle information Court records State Automated System of the Russian Federation “Justice” Judicial and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation Yellow/White pages |
Rwanda | |
Saint Lucia | Business registry |
San Marino | Business registry |
Santiago | Business registry |
Sascatchewan | |
Saudi Arabia | |
Scotland | Passengers lists The Scottish Emigration Database 1890 – 1960 Court records Scottish courts and tribunals (Hight Court) Scottish courts and tribunals (Court of Session) Scottish courts and tribunals (Sheriff court) Scottish courts and tribunals (Sheriff appeal court — criminal) Scottish courts and tribunals (Sheriff appeal court — civil) Scottish courts and tribunals (National Personal Injury Judgments) |
Senegal | |
Seoul | Transport live map |
Seychelles | Business registry |
Sierra Leone | Business registry |
Singapore | Business registry Yellow/White pages |
Slovakia | Business registry Venicle information Court records Phone Directory Registry of Debtors (companies and personal) Ratings of companies List of Registries and databases Yellow/White pages Yellow/White pages |
Slovenia | Yellow/White pages |
South Africa | Yellow/White pages |
South Australia | |
South Carolina | |
South Dakota | |
South Korea | Business registry Yellow/White pages |
South Sudan | Cadastral map |
Southampton | Passengers lists |
Spain | Cadastral map Venicle information Yellow/White pages |
Sri Lanka | |
Sudan | |
Suriname | |
Sweden | Yellow/White pages |
Switzerland | Cadastral map Business registry Yellow/White pages |
Sydney | |
Syria | |
Taiwan | |
Tajikistan | Business registry |
Tallin | Transport live map |
Tanzania | Cadastral map |
Tasmania | |
Tennessee | |
Texas | |
Thailand | Department of Bussiness Development Creden DBD. Search companies by person name Revenue Departament Service REST ID (get info by tax id number) |
Togo | Cadastral map |
Toronto | |
Trinidad and Tabago | |
Tromse | Transport live map |
Tunusia | |
Turkey | Cadastral map Court records |
Turku | Transport live map |
Uganda | Cadastral map Yellow/White pages |
Ukraine | Cadastral map Transport live map Court records Unified Contact Center of the Judiciary of Ukraine Unified state register of court decisions Yellow/White pages |
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) | |
United Arabic Emirates | |
United Kingdom | Business registry Transport live map Passengers lists Global Stories: passengers and crew of SS Great Britain Venicle information Yellow/White pages |
United States | Cadastral map Passengers lists Venicle information Court records (564 million USA Court Cases Yellow/White pages Office and other commercial buildings floor plans Map shows the locations of critical energy facilities in the U.S American Archive of Public Boradcasting |
Uruguay | |
Utah | |
Uzbekistan | Business registry Court records Supreme court of the Respublic of Uzbekistan (Criminal cases) Supreme court of the Respublic of Uzbekistan (Economic cases) Supreme court of the Respublic of Uzbekistan (Administrative cases) |
Vancouver | |
Venezuela | Yellow/White pages |
Vermont | |
Victoria | |
Vietnam | Business registry |
Vilnius | Transport live map |
Virginia | |
Washington | |
West Virginia | |
Western Australia | |
Wisconsin | |
Wyoming | |
Yemen | |
Yukon | |
Zagreb | |
Zambia | Cadastral map Business reqistryZambia Business Directory |
Zimbabwe | |
Zurich |